Veliki i razorni rat će izbiti između Rusije i Turske. U tom ratu Rusi ce pobediti , pa će zatim uzeti Istanbul-Carigrad koji će se naći u njihovim rukama. Ali, iz nekog razloga i oni će biti primorani da ga predaju. Engleska i SAD vratiće Istanbul-Carigrad Grcima. Crkva Aja Sofija (Sveta Sofija) ponovo će postati grčka posle toliko godina .
P.S. Ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin rekao je da će obaranje ruskog aviona izazvati velike promene u odnosima Rusije i Turske.Ruski borbeni avion je oboren na sirijskoj teritoriji, na oko kilometar udaljenosti od turske granice. Današnji tragični događaj će prouzrokovati ozbiljne posledice u odnosima Rusije i Turske. Umesto da je Ankara ostvarila momentalni kontakt sa nama, sve što znamo je da je obavestila svoje NATO saveznike“, rekao je Putin
POSETITE https://youtu.be/I0QFeWVxCkw
Rusko Ministarstvo odbrane saopštilo je da je ruski vojni avion tipa SU-24 oboren na granici Turske i Sirije, a to je potvrdila i turska vojska.
Ruski piloti i avion nisu bili pretnja Turskoj. Oboreni avion je izvršavao direktan zadatak u borbi protiv Islamske države. Taj avion je vršio preventivne napade na položaje terorista, a Turska ga je gađala, bez obzira na to što smo mi zaključili sa SAD sporazum o tome da se incidenti u vazdušnom prostoru moraju izbeći“, dodao je Putin.
UREDNIK http://blagovesti.page.tl
POSETITE https://youtu.be/mw2bsbqycAY
"Third World War" is inevitable. But,it will be led by biological weapon. The World War III could start soon,lead with biological weapons. What is your opinion about that?
Read more: http://planet-earth-is-a-living-being.page.tl/-g-Third-World-War-g--is-inevitable.htm
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Russia “UFO’s are real and we know how to Summon them!” Russians have claimed that they can predict when UFOs will appear and that they can even willingly summon them. They claim that UFO activity is increased when large scale weapons testing is taking place and have been measuring UFO activity by doing so. Accrding to Vasily Yeremenko, a Major General of FIB in reserve, academician of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement: "We can say that we learned to summon UFOs in Vladimirovka. To do this, we dramatically increased the number of military flights and movement of the equipment. If the intensity on our side increased, UFOs appeared with the probability of 100 percent.
Russia’s first ever statue of an alien has been unveiled in Molebka near the city of Perm, in the Urals. Molebka, Russia, has been called the latest UFO hot spot in the world.
FOR MORE: www.ufo-blogger.com/2011/08/alien-statue-unveiled-in-molebka-russia.html
U.S.A. have been in contact with alien civilization.
Irena Sjekloca Miler:" Human beings are of extraterrestrial origin! In 2015 we are going to find out that the man is of extraterrestrial origin. The solar system is an artificial creation. Scientists will announce in 2015 that the solar system is an artificial creation.To be more precise, it will be revealed that it is a machinery, and not of natural origin,as we used to think. The Sun, the Moon and the other planets are "repairing and cleaning" at present,thus a large number of alien spaceships are circling all around,even around our planet and our sky. The Moon has been also artificially created and in the past it was dragged closed to the Earth, in order to maintain its gravity.
Planet Earth will be equipped with a help of the more evolved universe to step into 4D, and we will endure everything: cold, heat, disasters, crises and UFOs. Listen only to your heart and be constructive, not destructive, aggressive or fearful. Let us be positively active about the people around us, the planet and the universe. This year we have one requirement - to learn two cosmic laws: the first one is to love our planet and the universe, and the second is to learn that only our thought creates our world,destiny and our future. Thus,let us take a positive attitude and unite with similar people on the planet, because it is the only way to learn faster and make evolutionary progress in this stormy, but very crucial times.Times in which the all of us live together on planet Earth.The higher universe,into which all of us are going to sail, without exception in 2013,expects that from us and it tells us clearly by powerful fusion of our human consciousness with the alien presence on this planet and around it,unprecedentedly."
Read more blagovesti.page.tl/C-.-E-.-T-.-I-.--.htm
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