Where is the Ark of the Covenant located ?
Where is the Ark of the Covenant located? While you read this text, God knows how many expeditions are looking for the Ark of the Covenant and all secret services in the world virtually have the plan how to react if the real coffin will be found. The finding of this reliquary may cause great world disputes. In fact, it is one of the three known scenarios of creating World War III. Where could this coffin disappear? I will remind you of the famous battles of Romans and Jews in 70 B.C. which are described in some books, when the Romans, after the long siege of the city, conquered Jerusalim. Under the temple may be located the long secret tunnel which led out from Jerusalem, and through which this coffin may have been taken away.
P.S. The Ark was assembled under the guidance of Moses during the Exodus. Its primary purpose was to serve as God's earthly home. Moses received instructions from God there routinely during the 40 years in the wilderness. After the Tribes of Israel arrived in the Promised Land the Ark was often taken into battle and in one case was taken by the enemy as a spoil of war. Among the many heroic accomplishments of King David is credit for the recovery of the Ark. Solomon's Temple at Jerusalem became the permanent home for the Ark and it stayed there for nearly 400 years. The Prophet Ezekiel was an eyewitness to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar and watched as God left the Temple in a fiery horse drawn chariot, turning His back to the Jews while the Temple was leveled. The Ark of the Covenant was destroyed with Solomon's Temple in 595 BC.....
E-mail bit.of.tenderness@gmail.com
Ark of the Covenant http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ark_of_the_Covenant
Mi radimo na projektu koji ce rasvetliti jednu od najvecih misterija-gde se nalazi Zavetni kovceg? U trenutku dok Vi ovo citate , bogzna koliko ekspedicija traga za Zavetnim kovcegom i sve tajne sluzbe na svetu zapravo imaju plan kako ce reagovati ukoliko pravi Kovceg ikada bude pronadjen. Pronalazenje ove relikvije mogo bi da izazove otvaranje najvecih svetskih zarista. U stvari, to je jedan od zasad tri poznata scenarija izbijanja treceg svetskog rata. Gde je Kovceg mogao da nestane? Podseticu Vas na cuvene jevrejsko-rimske bitke iz 70.godine n.e. ,koje su opisane u nekim knjigama, kada su Rimljani ,posle duge opsade grada ,osvojili Jerusalim. Ispod hrama bi morao postojati nekoliko kilometara dugacak tajni tunel koji je vodio van Jerusalima,a kroz koji je relikvija mogla biti izneta.
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